
Documentation for utils file containing useful functions for addon development.

BananaUtils is utils file that is required by all addons listed in this documentation and needs to be downloaded separately.


While BananaUtils is not an addon it should be installed like one, therefore to install it you need to put bananaUtils.js file downloaded from BuiltByBit resource page.

BrayanBot config migration

BananaUtils allows BrayanBot using to migrate their configs to the Olympus Bot format. Actions performed are:

  1. Making all keys start from small letter

  2. Removes BrayanBot slash command config and leaves only options object

  3. Makes option type names start from capital letter

  4. Renames file to start from small letter

Old file is saved under oldname.yml.old file.

To trigger the config migration, user is required to add # BRAYANBOT MIGRATE # to the end of the config file. All .old files will be ignored and won't be migrated.

Config migration is now a deprecated feature and is not planned to come back at any point. More information regarding this change will be posted on my support server.

Developer API

BananaUtils is meant to be used by addon developers or easier and faster addon development. Before using BananaUtils functions, it's best to register addon. This functions should be called at the top of addon code.

const bananaUtils = require("./bananaUtils");

This, will register which creates a folder in addons_config called the same as registered addon name and allows for BrayanBot config migration.

Setup message

With setupMessage you are able to transform user-created message config to discord.js message config object. This functions includes support for content, embeds and components. It also supports variables both manual and these created using Utility functions.

const bananaUtils = require("./bananaUtils");
const Utility = require("../utils/modules/Utility");

// ...

    configPath: // Message config object (See below)
    variables: {
        example: "This is an example variable",

All possible options for configPath are listed below in YAML format - since these options should be provided as options in you addon config file which should use YAML (as this is format that is used by Olympus Bot).

Message content

content contains the text that will be sent as a normal discord message content.

Message embeds

embeds is a list of objects containing configuration for embeds attached to the message. Limit of embeds in one message is 10.

author: # Embed author
authorIcon: # Embed author icon url
title: # Embed title
url: # Embed (title) URL
description: # Embed content
fields: # Embed fields - see below
footer: # Embed footer
footerIcon: # Embed footer icon url
thumbnail: # Embed thumbnail url
image: # Embed image url
color: # Embed color HEX code
timestamp: # Whenever timestamp should be visible (true/false)

fields is a list of config objects for embed fields. Limit of fields in one embed is 25.

name: # Field name
value: # Filed content
inline: # Whenever this field should be in the same line (true/false)

Message components

components is a object containting from 1 to 5 actions row config objects.


Each action row can list of interactive elements - which can be both buttons and select menus. Each action row has a limit of 5 interactive elements.

Button component

type: Button
style: # Button type. Available types: Primary, Secondary, Success, Danger, Link
label: # Button label
emoji: # Button emoji
customId: # Button customId

Button style Link is a unique button style. It is for opening urls after it's clicked. While it doesn't require customId you need to provide link containing url that should be opened after clicking the button.

Select Menu component

type: SelectMenu
placeholder: # Menu placeholder
customID: # Menu customId
minSelect: # Minimum count of options to be selected. Default: 0
maxSelect: # Maximum count of options to be selected. Default: None 
options: # Menu options - see below

options is a list of config objects for select menu options

default: # Whenever the option should be selected by default. (true/false)
label: # Option label
description: # Option description
emoji: # Option emoji
value: # Option value

Setup command

This function is on BananaUtils roadmap and will be implemented in the future.

Other functions

const bananaUtils = require("./bananaUtils");

// Check whenever user has specific role
// member - GuildMember, role - String
if (bananaUtils.hasRole(member, role)) {
    // Do stuff
const bananaUtils = require("./bananaUtils");
const Utility = require("../utils/modules/Utility");

// Replace variable in provided text
// text - String, variables - variables config
let text = "Bot username is {bot-username}";
let variables = Utility.botVariables(client);
text = replaceVariables(text, variables); // Bot username is awesomeUsername
const bananaUtils = require("./bananaUtils");

// Lowercase first letter of a string
let text = "String";
text = bananaUtils.lowercaseFirstLetter(text); // string
const bananaUtils = require("./bananaUtils");

// Lowercase first letter of a string
let text = "string";
text = bananaUtils.capitalizeFirstLetter(text); // String

Last updated